
søndag 8. juni 2014

Gresk vindu

Ny utfordring hos Stitchy Bear. Jeg har brukt stempelet 'Greek series view' fra Ike's Art.

Tagsene er fra Pixelmarket.


Hus: C0, C1 og C4
Vindu: B0000, B26 og C4
Potte: B24 og N6
Blomster: RV34, G99, V25, RV66, BV25 og YR23

2 kommentarer:

  1. Very lovely colouring on the image and I LUV the layout of your card. This is just perfect and really reminds me of Greece :-). Thank you for using one of my images :-D

    IKE in Greece xxxxxxxxxx

    My Challenge Blog
    My Shop
    My Blog

  2. Thank you :) You have so many nice images!
